No Expressway Alliance AGM, a new M40 junction near Arncott, time to write to your district and county councillors, and a change of name for our group…
Read MoreBBOWT wins oral hearing at High Court, Save Otmoor signs popping up all over the villages, writing to Highways England about the feedback process, and consultation period open until March 25th…
Read MoreThe High Court has accepted Berks, Bucks and Oxon Wildlife Trust’s (BBOWT) claim against the government regarding the Oxford to Cambridge Expressway at an oral hearing at the High Court today…
Read MoreJesse Norman confirms in parliament Otmoor not safe from Expressway plans, sign available to print off, Oxford City Council objects to Expressway, and Expressway Alliance meeting open to all…
Read MoreJesse Norman’s statement in parliament: “…we are still at the relatively early stage of the process and therefore our preferred routes are just that, and subject to further discussions, consultation and review…”
Read MoreThe five Oxfordshire authorities are producing a Joint Statutory Spatial Plan (JSSP), providing a framework and evidence base to support sustainable growth across the county up to 2050 and are encouraging the public to add their comments…
Read MoreBerks, Bucks and Oxon Wildlife Trust is dissatisfied with government lawyers’ response to our pre-action protocol letter of 27 September, regarding the Oxford to Cambridge Expressway, so today we are issuing a claim in the High Court…
Read MoreBBOWT launches fundraiser to support legal challenge, fortnightly meetings and updates, new group meeting in Weston-on-the-Green, and film and discussion event on 16th November…
Read MoreA summary of updates from meeting in October 2018, including greenbelt at risk, finding a location for thousands of new homes, how to get involved and who to contact to have your say…
Read MoreThe Horton-cum-Studley Expressway Group welcomes that the ecological value of the Otmoor area has been recognised in the announcement today. However we need the East West Rail link, not an Expressway in any corridor…
Read MoreGovernment announces Corridor B has been chosen for the Oxford to Cambridge Expressway….
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